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Why doesn’t Meghan Markle talk to her family anymore? Her stepmother says…

The troubled ties between Meghan Markle-Prince Harry and the Royals are not a hidden affair. Sadly, the situation is the same for the Suits-actress as she doesn’t talk to her father or any other member of her family any more.
The Suits’ actress’s troubled ties with her parents came to limelight, when the Duke of Sussex, described the Royal Family as Meghan Markle’s “family she never had”, reported the Mirror citing his interview with BBC Radio 4.
Meghan Markle’s family members immediately responded to Prince Harry’s remark and tried to cover up his comments. Meghan Markle’s brother Thomas Markle Jr., slammed the comment and said that she “had a really good family” and has got “everything she ever wanted”.
Meghan Markle’s stepmother, Roslyn Markle, who was married to her father in the 1960s, shared her perspective on the reason behind Meghan Markle’s distance from her family.
“It’s not tension. It’s distance,” The Mirror quoted Roslyn from her interview with Radar Online.
“When Meghan graduated from high school, she went to Northwestern which is up in Illinois. And when she finished that, she worked in Argentina. Then she started Suits and she started her acting career. It was the scenario that everyone got busy, and the distance was always a factor,” she added.
Roslyn’s comments met with severe criticism from Meghan Markle’s estranged sister Samantha Markle. In a series of posts on social media, Samantha dismissed Rosyln’s comment. Earlier, she had claimed that her sister Meghan had a “large family” who was “always there for her”, dismissed Rosyln’s claims on social media.
In her social media post, Samantha said that Roslyn was “no relation” of Meghan and claimed that she came into the family years after Meghan separated from the family.
“FYI I read online said that Roslyn Markle was Meghan’s stepmom LOL my dad divorced Roslyn in 74… she remarried… no relation to Meg ever and she knows nothing about our lives or Meghan!,” read a post by Samantha.
